Proudly Supporting Our School Communities with the
Families Helping
Families Program
Choicelunch partners with communities who want to extend a helping hand
Everyone needs a helping hand every once in a while.
Whether it’s dealing with financial hardship or the loss of a job, welcoming a newborn baby home, battling chronic illness or disease, or grieving through unexpected tragedy and loss, every community has families who could use a break.
Taking care of lunch is just one simple way to help out a family with a lot on their plate, and we want to support the families who reach out to help other families through difficult times.
If you know a family who could use a break, help take lunch off their plate.
If you know someone who could use a hand, contact our customer service team at [email protected].
Our customer service team will assist with transferring funds to the family’s account (it takes less than 1 minute to complete this). Choicelunch will match your donation dollar for dollar.
If you know someone who could use a hand, contact our customer service team at [email protected].
Our customer service team will assist with transferring funds to the family’s account (it takes less than 1 minute to complete this). Choicelunch will match your donation dollar for dollar.