There’s Always One

There’s always one. One child who is grumpy and can’t just go with the flow. One child who is tired, because he or she just didn’t get enough sleep last night. One child who is hungry. One child who is bored. One child who is disappointed. One child who is angry at someone or something. One child who doesn’t want to do what the rest of the family is doing. One child who disagrees with Mom or Dad. One child who is sick. One child who is bossy. Or one child who is just having an all-out off day.  

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch

I don’t care how many children you have, there’s always one. And, for those of you with one child, I bet you feel me on this too. It’s daunting as a parent to feel like, no matter what you are doing, and no matter how happy, content, fulfilled, rested, healthy, and engaged EVERY OTHER PERSON IN THE FAMILY feels, there’s always one who is struggling in some way.

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch

I’ve come to terms with the fact that this is just the way it is. No matter what mojo I might be feeling about those blissful moments when all seems right with the world because all is right with all members of my family…Just give it a minute and, BAM! Here comes one of my sweet children to put me in my place yet again! I’ve realized this truth is as unavoidable as the sun rising and setting, and getting frustrated with the sun isn’t going to change it’s trajectory. My call in the moment is to tend graciously to the “one” that is struggling at that given moment, day, week, or month, and wait patiently for the next fleeting moment of harmony.

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch

There’s always one.

Hello There!

My name is Allison! Nurturer Of 4 Remarkable Littles / Married To My Own Modern Day Prince Charming / California Born And Raised / Adventure Seeker / Nature Enthusiast / Memory Maker / Food / Wine / Fashion / Sleep

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