Helllllllo 2017! Let’s Play

Cheers! You made it to the other side of the Holiday season. I hope it was a joyous one for you and your family, and that you were able to enjoy many small moments of Grace and wonder. But, also know that it’s also okay if your holiday was a stressful, sloppy, and restless one also. There are many things to embrace and accomplish during this season.

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch

The New Year is now here and, like most, I try to think about my goals for the year, mindful of the fact that, if I don’t, life will get in the way. Justin is usually the one that really encourages me to think about these things.

Must be the CEO in him.

For the past few years, Justin and I have tried to sit down together and put pen to paper, usually with a glass of wine because, you know, why not? My goals usually range from personal to family-related, and also certainly include the intent to slow down, be more present, and look farther outside myself.

But, this year, I am including a new goal: To focus intently on having fun and being playful. I think I’ve always had an ability to embrace silly moments and to be fun-loving, but I really want to embrace these opportunities more often in everyday life. Why? Because I am always amazed at the true re-frame that this practice provides.

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch

We all know this life is crazy and bumpy and messy and hard, hard, hard so often. We run into the same walls, over and over. We have struggles with our partners, our children, and in our careers. We. All. Do. But what happens in these moments or days of frustration when we are able to laugh, to see the world through a child’s eyes, to notice the simple beauties around us? What happens when we giggle, or when we make someone else giggle? And what happens when we just have fun? I know, for me, when I do these things, life gets a whole lot less stressful. My mood is lightened, and I feel new perspective on the challenges I was facing. Sounds like pretty cheap therapy to me!

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch

And, this, is my challenge to you this year.

Seek out an opportunity to do something you wouldn’t normally do and have fun doing it.

Play games.

Have a dance party.

Get your girlfriends together to just catch up and laugh.

Help your kids practice their sport, and really get down and dirty with them.

Embrace life as those little people in your life so easily do.

It’s 2017. Get out there and PLAY!

Hello There!

My name is Allison! Nurturer Of 4 Remarkable Littles / Married To My Own Modern Day Prince Charming / California Born And Raised / Adventure Seeker / Nature Enthusiast / Memory Maker / Food / Wine / Fashion / Sleep

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