Allison Gagnon -

A Good Laugh: School Portraits Gone Wrong

Every year in the Spring, our school offers “Spring Photos” – basically another chance for a photographer to take professional portraits of our kids during their school day. Since we had already purchased soccer photos, basketball photos, and baseball and softball photos in addition to the kids’ usual school portraits, I decided to opt out on the Spring Photo front. I had thought that only those children who opted in and paid for these portraits would be photographed. All other students were given the opportunity to wear “free dress” that day, which is quite the treat for kids that wear a uniform to school daily.


Allison Gagnon -


So “Spring Portrait Day” arrived, and my kids happily got dressed in normal clothes, hitting the road to school with Dad that morning and as usual, refusing to comb their hair or let me get anywhere near them with hair gel.

Three weeks later, I received three separate emails from the photography company, each with a separate link to “view photos.” “That’s funny…”, I thought, as I was still under the impression that only kids purchasing photos were photographed.

I clicked on the links, and almost fell off my chair, tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.


Allison Gagnon -


My darling boys, who really are so handsome and occasionally very photogenic, were captured on camera in a split-second that was most hilarious and clearly not their best look.

Of course now that we’ve got ‘em, Justin wants to order each photo in 11×14 and hang them over our mantle. Sometimes life just throws you a laugh out of nowhere!

Hello There!

My name is Allison! Nurturer Of 4 Remarkable Littles / Married To My Own Modern Day Prince Charming / California Born And Raised / Adventure Seeker / Nature Enthusiast / Memory Maker / Food / Wine / Fashion / Sleep

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