Santa Revealed: Letting Them In On the Secret

With my oldest child in third grade, and her brothers younger, all of my kids still believe wholeheartedly in Santa Claus.  My oldest daughter is leading this charge and, as she wept saying goodbye to our Elf On the Shelf last year on Christmas Eve, I know her belief is still true. I know that this is likely fleeting, though, and that soon enough the game will be up.  Some of the more doubting of my children have been asking really specific questions for years –

“How does Santa actually

fit down the chimney?”

“How does Santa deliver gifts to

all the children in the world in one night, even with so many different time zones?”

“How does he possibly fit

everyone’s presents in his sleigh?”  

The best my worrisome daughter, aghast at the idea of Santa burning his bottom on the way down the chimney since we’d lit a fire on Christmas Eve.

Justin and I have always answered these questions with stories of the “magic” of Santa Claus, but I know it won’t be long before this explanation no longer suffices.  

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch
The kids and Santa. Grace, my oldest is starting to ask questions….

So many lies.  SO MANY LIES.

A dear friend of mine, who has three older children, was recently telling me about a sweet letter explaining the truth and continued “magic” of Santa Claus.  She told me that she wished she had written it herself, it was so beautiful.  And, after reading it and tearing up on my own, I can see why. This letter was written for the New York Times by Martha Brockenbrough…

Allison Gagnon

Allison Gagnon- Choicelunch
What a beautiful letter! Thank you Martha Brockenbrough!

I mean, SO BEAUTIFUL.  What a gorgeous way to let your older child or children in on the secret, but all in the most uplifting and life-giving context.  Inviting these growing babes to join “the team” and continue to bring the “love and magic and joy and happiness” to those around them?   Now that is something we certainly need more of in our world.  I have this one ready to deploy when I need it.  But, for now, I am off to help my kids write their letters to Santa Claus.



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Hello There!

My name is Allison! Nurturer Of 4 Remarkable Littles / Married To My Own Modern Day Prince Charming / California Born And Raised / Adventure Seeker / Nature Enthusiast / Memory Maker / Food / Wine / Fashion / Sleep

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