Courage in the form of a loveable Brit

Courage in the form of a loveable Brit

Courage is a guy standing on stage, asking a group of food service workers to change the way they do their jobs; jobs many of them have had for decades. Courage is a guy in a flannel and Birkenstocks, who moves his family to a different country because of his beliefs.
Courage looks a lot like Jamie Oliver.

We met Jamie on Thursday, when he held an open house at his new kitchen in Westwood. He is so sincere, likeable and unassuming, we became even bigger fans. We were there on Saturday, when Jamie spoke to the CA School Nutrition Association. We sat with ‘his people’ (so L.A!) for lunch, too, and talked about how difficult it is to change the status quo.

Jamie has the same battle ahead that many of us have been fighting for years: change the way kids eat. He faced critics in West Virginia last year on his TV show, Food Revolution, and has already been stymied by L.A. Unified School District. The reality is that there are many hurdles to changing eating habits; not least of which are kids’ expectations for the foods they have been conditioned to ask for.

Jamie knows that there are forces opposing him in every direction, and that without the support of an equally powerful movement, he could fail. Jamie, we will help in every way we can. Your courage is inspiring and we are with you all the way!

Hats off to you Jamie (or in your back pocket)! 😉

If you haven’t signed Jamie’s Petition, you can do it now!

Hello There!

My name is Allison! Nurturer Of 4 Remarkable Littles / Married To My Own Modern Day Prince Charming / California Born And Raised / Adventure Seeker / Nature Enthusiast / Memory Maker / Food / Wine / Fashion / Sleep

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